Patient Resources
Learn more about office-based care.
"Knowledge shared, is power multiplied."
-Robert Boyce
Based on education and experience, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry has identified the Dentist Anesthesiologist as the ideal anesthesia provider for the delivery of care in an office-based dental setting.
Levels of Sedation.
For starters, there are 4 recognized levels of procedural sedation and anesthesia. The specific type and level of sedation/anesthesia that is best for your child will be determined through a collaboration between you, your child's dentist, and the anesthesiologist. Input from all three sources will help us develop a personalized treatment plan, dictated specifically by your child’s dental needs, but taking into consideration all variables.

Minimal Sedation.
A drug-induced state during which patients respond normally to verbal commands. Cognitive function and coordination may be slightly impaired. Sometimes known as “Anxiolytic Sedation.” Ideal for helping to alleviate minor procedural anxiety.

Moderate Sedation.
A drug-induced depression of consciousness where the patient maintains the ability to respond purposely to verbal direction either alone, or accompanied by light tactile stimulation. Sometimes known as “Conscious Sedation.” Ideal for young children unable to cope with the delivery of small amounts of dental treatment.

Deep Sedation.
A drug-induced depression of consciousness during which patients cannot be easily aroused, but responds purposefully following repeated or painful stimulation. Sometimes known as “Twilight Sedation.” Ideal for the delivery of minimal to moderate amounts of dental care, where occasional movements will not affect the overall quality of care.

General Anesthesia.
A drug-induced complete loss of consciousness during which patients are not arousable, even during all forms of painful surgical stimulation. This level is identical to the anesthesia provided for surgical procedures in the hospital. It is ideal for young patients, elevated levels of anxiety, those with special healthcare needs, and/or individuals with extensive restorative or surgical needs.

Defining office-based services.
We transform a traditional dental operatory into an OR surgical suite, just like a military M*A*S*H unit, right in the comforts of your dentist’s office. In this familiar environment, the dentist and his/her team is able to deliver the highest level of care possible, at a fraction of the cost it would be in a surgical center or hospital setting.
Office-based sedation and anesthesia allow patients to remain comfortable during the delivery of invasive dental procedures which would otherwise be lengthy, uncomfortable, or frightening. Patients are insulated from the smells, sounds, and sensations normally encountered during dental work, and are instead able to relax and completely lose track of time.
Advantages of our office-based services.
The main advantages of our office-based services include:
- A safe experience with a board certified anesthesiologist.
- A more familiar, comfortable setting for both the dentist and patient.
- Alternative option for patients with special needs or disabilities.
- Expeditious treatment (avoids the need for multiple office visits).
- Complete pain elimination, even in patients for whom local anesthetics are minimally or entirely ineffective.
- No need for physical restraint (which can create a dangerous or stressful environment).
- An ideal environment for young children who are unable to remain still during the delivery of invasive dental care.
- The ability to sleep soundly through lengthy procedures.

The dentist anesthesiologist advantage.
Dentist anesthesiologists have received postdoctoral training in anesthesia designed specifically for care in a dental office setting. Because we work exclusively in dental facilities, we are familiar with the intricacies and needs associated with dental work outside of a traditional medical facility. Caring for patients within a hospital is very different than mobile care, and requires a doctor specifically trained for this alternative environment. We transform the dental operatory into a state-of-the-art operating suite, complete with hospital-grade monitors and equipment, as we follow the same safety protocols and procedures used in all ambulatory surgical centers and hospital settings throughout the United States. Unlike your other anesthesia options, we are also certified and actively regulated by the state’s governing board, which undoubtedly makes using a Dentist Anesthesiologist the safest option available.
Additionally, we provide personalized, one-on-one care to each patient, prioritizing communication and individualized attention before, during, and after the procedure. Parents will always have direct 24/7 access to the anesthesiologist throughout their child’s care.
Safety is our top priority.
The safety record for office-based sedation and anesthesia administered by a Board Certified Dentist Anesthesiologist is unsurpassed by any other style of anesthesia delivery, when all precautions are implemented. Because safety is our primary objective, the anesthesiologist will closely scrutinize each patient’s overall health to eliminate all individuals who are less than ideal candidates for this mode of care. It is important for parents to understand that our #1 priority is to ensure safety, and we appreciate their support should we determine that their child is best suited for care in an alternative environment.
Personalized, one-on-one patient-doctor care epitomizes the safest care possible, as complications increase when patients are passed off to a less qualified healthcare provider. Unlike other mobile anesthesia options, our Dentist Anesthesiologists remain by the patient's side for the extent of care, as patients are never handed off to a nurse with inferior training at any point. Each and every step of care is provided by the anesthesiologist; from evaluating the candidacy for office-based services, to deciding what is the ideal option for a child's care, to consulting with the patient's physicians, to preparing parents for the upcoming care the night before the procedure, to starting the child's IV, to delivering anesthetic medications, to reviewing post-operative instructions with the parents -- the anesthesiologist will be your child's only caregiver.
Should you have any questions or concerns pertaining to safety when deciding if office-based care is a viable option for your child, please contact us directly to answer your questions. Our desire is to have a well-informed parent who is 100% confident in our abilities to provide only the safest care possible, and we'd love to help with your decision process.